When we sing,
there is no room for fear


Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 4:30pm

Lichtenbergplatz, Martinsviertel Darmstadt

Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 7 pm

Heydenmühle, Otzberg

Choir concert the Singerklynger with Mira Cohan & Christian Geißler (guitar)

Saturday, August 24, 2024 from 7:30pm onwards

Opening Wald25, Beerbacher Straße Darmstadt

Saturday, September 14, 2024 from 5pm onwards

DARMSTADT_SPEAKERS, Taunusplatz, Martinsviertel Darmstadt

Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Weinfest, Riegerplatz Darmstadt

Sunday, October 06, 2024 at 8 pm

Jazzlounge Rieselfeld, Freiburg

Brasilianisches Konzert mit der Band Beleza?!

Carsten Schneider GUITAR
Mira Cohan VOCALS
Neophytos Stephanou BASS

Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 7pm

Evangelische Kirche am Marktplatz, Groß-Umstadt


Saturday, June 3, 2023

Hofreite Ortsgericht Oberklingen

Choir concert the Singerklynger with Mira Cohan & Christian Geißler (guitar)

Friday, July 21, 2023

Aperitif Lichtenbergplatz, Martinsviertel Darmstadt

Friday, November 17, 2023

Umstadt ein Gedicht, Jungbrunnen, Groß-Umstadt

Friday, November 27, 2023

Private kitchen concert, Martinsviertel Darmstadt

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Bar Daedis, Martinsviertel Darmstadt

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Christmas choir concert the Singerklynger with Mira Cohan & Christian Geißler (guitar)

About me

My life story is a rich one, story of a blending of cultures and of uncertain personal identity.
Perhaps that’s why it seems to me that life is one long search for one’s true self. So I feel blessed that, more than in any other way, I can come face to face with myself in my music.
The Mira I meet there speaks to me in different languages, as if each one shows a different facet of her personality. And so, I find a certain joy in presenting songs in different languages.

I love the fact that every song is an emotional story. My hope is that my telling, my singing of those stories, brings gratifying emotions forth in the people who hear them.

Follow me

Support my recording project

Dear friends and friends of music,
for professional recordings of the songs I have written, I am asking for donations.
I am sure that I can make a nice contribution to art and culture, which is of great importance to us all. Music connects people from different cultures and nations and brings us all closer together. What would this world be without music?
I couldn’t imagine my life without music and I am very grateful that I can sometimes express my emotions better through language and melody than in a conversation.

I will come up with a surprise thank you for all donors after the production 😉
Please check out my Instagram Account @mira.cohan for more impressions about my music.

Many thanks in advance and best regards

I love making music with lots of different people.

If you are interested, please go ahead and contact me.